Logo Love Flame - Boost your sexual intimacy

Boost your intimacy in your relationship

You are in happy relationship, everything is great but ... intimacy is not up to what you need . Work on it with LoveFlame and 7 tailored missions each weeks that you can accomplish simply by yourself ! The best ? You can use it alone and all your datas stay on your phone locally !

Giorgio Cupidon
Play Video about Love Flame- Stop the sexual frustration, boost your intimacy
Classy Giorgio

The advantages

Use it on your side

Love Flame is designed to be used alone. Your partner doesn't need to know that you use it if you don't want to.


Our local algorithm analyze your data and give you each week, 7 missions to fulfill to really improve the intimacy in your relationship

Data stored locally

All your data are stored locally. Nothing goes out in the cloud !

Validate by studies

Love Flame use the work of Gary Chapman (5 loves languages) Hendrick C. & S. (Love attitudes scales) and Laura Stafford & Daniel J.Canary (Equity in a relationship )

Loveflame make you the ACTOR of your intimacy. Not the frustrated dummy.
Funny Giorgio
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What's the difference between friend and relationship?

Most of time, it’s intimacy. Intimacy in a couple is a good indicator of the health of the relationship.

Good intimacy, good sex = happier life ! When someone is frustrated, in the long term, you are sure to have problem : disputes, tensions and sometimes break-up.

And it’s normal, who want to live frustrated even if you love your partner ?

Giorgio Chill
Meet Giorgio your love coach
You don't have a problem, your needs in intimacy are completely normal !

Boost simply your intimacy with 7 missions to do each weekly

We say in a relationship that communication is the key. 

It’s right and false. Because when you’re frustrated sexually, talk about it can put more pressure on your partner. Love Flame take a different approach by using psychology and personnal tracking to propose you each week 7 differents missions to accomplish that will boost the intimacy in your couple. 

The best ? The application is designed to be used only by you. You don’t need to tell your partner that you use it if you don’t want it ! You are fully in control !

How it's work ?


Each day, fill how you feel, how you partner feel and your intimacy


Our algorithm follow your evolution and show trends, correlations between all the monitored datas


Our algorithm combine psychology datas, monitored datas and machine learning to propose you each week 7 missions to really boost your intimacy


Complete our psychological studies and discover a lot intersting facts like your and partner's love languages

Classy Giorgio
Make your partner want more
Smart Giorgio

Easy & smart

Discover how we will boost together your intimacy

Step 1

Fill daily your relationship tracking

Step 2

Complete our psychology studies

Step 3

Our algorithm generate for you 7 tailored missions

Step 4

Do your missions and enjoy the result

The best ? Your data are 100% confidential

We know that confidentialiy is so precious that nobody want to share this kind of data online. So, in our application, the algorithm and your datas are stored directly on your device. It’s simple, nothing goes in the cloud, everything stay local !

Zen Giorgio
Totally local
You own your data
Local algorithm

All the algorithms are executed directly on your device, nothing goes online

Local data and save

All your data stay on your device. Nothing is sended to our server or the cloud

Delete easily

As it's in local, you can easily delete all your data

Giorgio Star
Create your intimacy now, don't wait it
Zen Giorgio

Be less frustrated

In each of my relationships, I've often wanted more intimacy than my partners. And when frustration sets in with the feeling of not being able to do anything, well, you want even more ... and you're even more frustrated and powerless. Love Flame has enabled me to take back control of my intimacy, to feel less frustrated and, above all, to give myself the opportunity to be active.
The weekly Love Flame missions have really made a difference in my relationship. At first I was dubious about how an app could help me. But in the end, the missions proposed have produced real results. So a big thank you! And for the rest of you, I recommend it 😉 !
I had quantity but not quality in our sexual life. My partner was often motivated to have intimate moments, but within 5 minutes it was over and finish with it. The Love Flame missions really helped me improve this part of our intimacy and now it's great. Of course there are still lows, but that's sooo much better!

LoveFlame is based on psychological studies

Smart Giorgio

To help our algorithm to give you the best missions, we use psychological studies on relationship and intimacy. Here are the 3 of them we are using !

The 5 love languages

By Gary Chapman

Love attitudes scale

By Hendrick C. & Hendrick S.

Equity in a relationship

By Laura Stafford & Daniel J. Canary